Run With the Police Not From them.
Location Detroit Michigan - Belle Isle Start Time 4/21/2012 10:01:27 AM
Category 10K
Distance 6.25 miles Ascend 32 feet Descend -22 feet
Total Time 00:55:12 Moving 00:55:09 Stopped 00:00:03
Average Pace 00:08:50 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:08:08 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:14:36 min/mi
Calories 859 Average HR 161 BPM Max HR 167 BPM
Weather 43 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 40.7 °F/44.1 °F; Pressure: 1013.9 mbar; Humidity: 72.5%; Dew point: 33.3 °F; Wind Speed: 6.6 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Garmin - FR 305
Garmin - Garmin Foot Pod - New
SuperFeet - Green Pair - 4
Asics - Gel-Nimbus 13 Pair 2
Notes Race #61: Run With the Cops Not From Them 10K.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:08:49 00:08:49 00:08:49 6.8 -2.09
2.00 00:17:34 00:08:45 00:08:46 6.9 -9.99
3.00 00:26:21 00:08:46 00:08:47 6.8 26.14
4.00 00:35:37 00:09:16 00:09:16 6.5 7.63
5.00 00:44:30 00:08:52 00:08:53 6.8 -32.76
6.00 00:53:10 00:08:39 00:08:40 6.9 23.51
6.25 00:55:12 00:02:01 00:08:18 7.2 -5.98